With our products you are buying a tradition of quality, craftsmanship and service accompanied by the uses of the very traditional as well as latest manufacturing technology.


Ninja Uniforms

Ninja Uniforms
Ninja Uniforms
FFG # 05-02-01

Ninja Uniforms

Ninja uniforms 8-OZ in 100% cotton dyed �Black�. With 1 cotton cap, 1 drill cap & 2 arms cover with normal pant



We have recently extended our production facilities whereby now we can cater for the entire requirement of our esteemed customers.

FFG # 05-02-06
Ninja Uniforms
FFG # 05-02-05
Ninja Uniforms
FFG # 05-02-02
Ninja Uniforms
FFG # 05-02-03
Ninja Uniforms
FFG # 05-02-04
Ninja Uniforms